The book

The book

Published  by "ARHETYPO" 2002


© by Irene Leonardou

They know... they have the powers... but how can they use them?

The Secret of the Gods is a voyage in space and time, imagination and reality. A coherent bond of love and the pursuit of knowledge, eleven people are endowed with special powers and are driven by destiny and the zest for adventure.

A sculptor and a dancer, a pair of university professors, a psychologist and an archaeologist, an artist and a gallery owner, a musician, an environmentalist and an intergalactic girl is the gifted group of people whose lives are brought together to serve the highest purpose: to discover the secret of the gods and help to awaken the people. They have been chosen to reveal the ultimate truth and have the task to inform humanity.

Sometime, somewhere, in another life had they met before? Now the time has come to seek the knowledge...
They are the angels of the Secret...